
Engage with Mailchimp's Powerful Tools

The "Mailchimp" Connector integrates your Mailchimp account with WhatsdashTM, enabling insightful, visually appealing dashboard reports. It optimizes email campaign performance tracking and audience engagement analysis seamlessly.




Available Metrics, Segments, & Dimensions

Users typically incorporate specific metrics and dimensions when compiling reports for their Mailchimp.

Total Clicks

The total number of times tracked links were clicked by recipients. This count includes multiple clicks from individual recipients.

Unique Opens

The number of recipients who opened a given campaign any number of times.

Users Who Clicked Rate (Clicks / Recipients)

The percentage of recipients who clicked a link in a given campaign.

Hard Bounces

The number of recipients that were registered as hard bounces.

Users Who Clicked

The number of recipients who clicked any tracked link any number of times in a given Automation Campaign.

Soft Bounces

The number of recipients that were registered as soft bounces.

Unique Opens

The number of recipients who opened a given Automation Campaign any number of times.

Bounce Rate

The percentage of recipients that were registered as a hard or soft bounce.

Total Opens

The total number of times the A/B Campaign was opened by recipients. This count includes multiple opens from individual recipients.

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