Constant Contact Connector: Enhanced Dashboard Reporting Integration

The "Constant Contact" Connector integrates seamlessly with WhatsdashTM, enabling direct access to Constant Contact account data. This integration leverages the data to produce visually appealing reports on the WhatsdashTM dashboard, providing users with comprehensive insights into their Constant Contact activities and performance metrics.




Consolidate your Constant Contact statistics into a single, understandable dashboard.

Improve efficiency with widgets preloaded with key KPIs. Just drag and drop and you're done, turning data tracking into a seamless experience. Easily extend your analysis.



Number of unique recipients who clicked any link in the email

Bounce Rate

Percentage of emails sent to unique recipients that bounced.

Available Metrics, Segments, & Dimensions

Users typically integrate the following metrics
and dimensions when compiling their Constant Contact reports.


Number of unique email bounces.

Non-Unique Clicks

Total number of non-unique email clicks.

Click Rate

Percentage of recipients who opened the email who also clicked one or more links in it.


The number of emails sent that were successfully delivered to your contacts\u2019 inboxes.

Did Not Open

Number of unique recipients who did not open the email. This is calculated as follows: em_not_opened is equal to em_sends - em_opens - em_bounces. This value is reported as zero if the calculation results in a negative value.

Did Not Open Rate

Percentage of recipients that received the email (did not bounce) but did not open it.


Number of unique recipients who forwarded the email using the forward to a friend feature (not available for all types of emails).

Open Rate

Percentage of recipients that received the email (did not bounce) and opened it.


Number of unique recipients who opened the email.

Non-Unique Opens

Total number of non-unique email opens.


Number of unique email sends.


Number of unique recipients who unsubscribed due to this email.

Unsubscribe Rate

Percentage of recipients that received the email (did not bounce) and chose to unsubscribe.

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