Maximize Revenue with Google AdSense Ads

Google AdSense allows website owners to monetize their content by displaying targeted ads, generating passive income with minimal effort. It provides access to a vast network of advertisers, maximizing revenue potential based on user engagement.




Available Metrics, Segments, & Dimensions

Users typically incorporate specific metrics and dimensions when compiling reports for their Google AdSense analytics.

Active View Measurability

Ratio of requests that were measurable for viewability.

Active View Time

Mean time an ad was displayed on screen.

Active View Viewability

Ratio of requests that were viewable.

Page Views

Number of page views.

Page Views CTR

Ratio of individual page views that resulted in a click.

Page Views RPM

Revenue per thousand page views. This is calculated by dividing the estimated revenue by the number of page views multiplied by 1000.

Page Views Spam Ratio

Fraction of page views considered to be spam. Only available to premium accounts.


Impressions. An impression is counted for each ad request where at least one ad has been downloaded to the user’s device and has begun to load. It is the number of ad units (for content ads) or search queries (for search ads) that showed ads.

Impressions RPM

Revenue per thousand ad impressions. This is calculated by dividing estimated revenue by the number of ad impressions multiplied by 1000.

Individual Ad Impressions

Ads shown. Different ad formats will display varying numbers of ads. For example, a vertical banner may consist of 2 or more ads. Also, the number of ads in an ad unit may vary depending on whether the ad unit is displaying standard text ads, expanded text ads, or image ads.

Individual Ad Impressions RPM

Revenue per thousand individual ad impressions. This is calculated by dividing estimated revenue by the number of individual ad impressions multiplied by 1000.

Individual Ad Impressions Spam Ratio

Fraction of ad impressions considered to be spam. Only available to premium accounts.

Ad Requests

Number of ad units that requested ads (for content ads) or search queries (for search ads). An ad request may result in zero, one, or multiple individual ad impressions depending on the size of the ad unit and whether any ads were available.

Ad Requests Coverage

Ratio of requested ad units or queries to the number returned to the site.

Matched Ad Requests

Requests that returned at least one ad.

Ads Clicks

Number of times a user clicked on a standard content ad.

Total Impressions

Impressions. An impression is counted for each ad request where at least one ad has been downloaded to the user’s device and has begun to load. It is the number of ad units (for content ads) or search queries (for search ads) that showed ads.

Account Name

Account name. The members of this dimension match the values from Account.display_name.

Ad Client ID

Unique ID of an ad client. The members of this dimension match the values from AdClient.reporting_dimension_id.

Ad Format Code

Ad format code indicating the way an ad is shown to the users on your site (e.g. ON_PAGE, ANCHOR, INTERSTITIAL).

Ad Format Name

Localized ad format name indicating the way an ad is shown to the users on your site (e.g. In-page, Anchor, Vignette).

Ad Unit Size Name

Localized size of an ad unit (e.g. 728x90, Responsive).

Buyer Network IDD

Unique (opaque) ID of an ad network that returned the winning ads for an ad request.

Buyer Network Name

Name of an ad network that returned the winning ads for an ad request (e.g. Google AdWords). Note that unlike other NAME dimensions, the members of this dimension are not localized.

Creative Size Name

Localized creative size name (e.g. 728x90, Dynamic) of a served ad.

Requested Ad Type Code

Requested ad type code (e.g. IMAGE, RADLINK, OTHER).

Served Ad Type Code

Served ad type code (e.g. IMAGE, RADLINK, OTHER).

Bid Type Code

Type of a bid (e.g. cpc, cpm) for a served ad.

Country Code

CLDR region code of a user viewing an ad (e.g. US, FR).

Country Name

Localized region name of a user viewing an ad (e.g. United States, France).

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