Track Campaign Performance with Taboola

Track Campaign Performance with Taboola offers in-depth analytics to measure the effectiveness of your campaigns. Gain valuable insights into engagement, conversions, and audience behavior. Optimize your content strategy with real-time data and actionable metrics. Make informed decisions to maximize ROI and improve results.




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Campaign ID

The campaign_id (A numeric string).

Campaign Name

Human-readable campaign name.

Available Metrics, Segments, & Dimensions

Users typically integrate the following metrics
and dimensions when compiling their Taboola reports

Traffic Allocation Mode

The traffic_allocation_mode campaign field.

Campaign Learning State

The learning state of the Campaign. Possible values: EMPTY_DISPLAY (aka NONE), EXPEDITED_LEARNING, LEARNING, LEARNING_COMPLETE, LEARNING_LIMITED (insufficient events for learning)

Alphabetic Site ID

Alphabetic Site ID (aka Account ID) e.g. 'demo-site'.

Site Name

Site Name e.g. 'Demo Site'.

Site ID

Numeric Site ID (aka Account ID) e.g. 1023.

Country Code

Machine-readable country name (2-letter code). See the Dictionary for a list of possible values.", "id": "tbla:country".

Country Name

Human-readable country name. See the Dictionary for a list of possible values, "id": "tbla:country_name"

Region Name

Human-readable region name (country-specific). See the Dictionary for a list of possible values, "id": "tbla:region"

DMA Name

String\tHuman-readable DMA name (US-specific). See the Dictionary for a list of possible values. (Refer to the value property.)"

Day Of Week Name

Day Of Week Name eg. Tuesday"

Day Of Week Name(ISO)

Day Of Week Name eg. Tuesday(ISO)


Day eg. 20121231


The total number of clicks.


The total number of impressions.

Visible Impressions

The total number of viewable impressions.


Total spent money on campaign bidding.

ROAS Clicks

Return On Ad Spend for Click Through Conversions (%)

ROAS Views

Return On Ad Spend for View Through Conversions (%)


Click Through Rate (%) (clicks/impressions)

Viewable CTR

Viewable Click Through Rate (%) (clicks/visible_impressions)


Cost Per 1000 Impressions (spent/impressions * 1000)

Viewable CPM

Cost Per 1000 Viewable Impressions (spent/visible_impressions * 1000), "id": "tbla:vcpm"


(Actual) Cost Per Click (spent/clicks), "id": "tbla:cpc"

CPA Clicks

Click Cost Per Action (Conversion) (Spent/Click Through Conversions) (considers conversions attributed via click throughs only)

CPA Click Action Count

Total number of click through actions (conversions) Look-back window is configurable per conversion rule (default = 30 days)

CPA View Action Count

Total number of view through actions (conversions) Look-back window is configurable per conversion rule (default = 24 hours)

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